
$100 Snowblower 

Tune-up and Inspection

Includes the following.

 50-point inspection

carburetor cleaning

Oil changed.

Fuel filter changed.

Fuel shut off installed if needed.

Belts and cables adjusted.

Tire PSI, chains, pins adjusted.

Sheer pins checked or installed.

$250 Riding Mower

Tune-up and Inspection

Includes the following

 75-point inspection


Carburetor cleaned

Oil filter and oil changed

Fuel filter changed

Blades sharpened and balanced

Air filter cleaned or replaces in under $25.00

All belts checked and adjusted if needed

Tire PSI checked

Engine scoped and valves adjusted if needed

Spark plug replaces or cleaned

$85.00 Push Mower

Tune-up and Inspection

 35-pint inspection

Carburetor cleaned.

Oil changed.

Air filter changed if under $15.00.

Blades sharpened and balanced.

Cables and engine brake adjusted.

 $50.00 2 cycle Tune up and Inspection

25 Point inspection

Carburate cleaned.

Fuel lined changed or checked.

Fuel filter changed.

Air filter changed if under $15.00.

Compression check

Cylinder check for wear.

Spark plug changed or cleaned.

Fuel mix ratio check and replaced if needed